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Local Service Company, Serving Local People

Living in a tropical paradise like Naples with it’s beautiful beaches, numerous premium golf courses, and balmy, subtropical weather is not only great for you and I, but it’s also the perfect environment for damaging insects and other pests. Here at Pure Pest Control we want you to be able to spend your time enjoying everything Naples has to offer and not wasting your time swatting bugs and worrying about spots on your plants and turf.

Ghost Ants

Ghost ants are interior home invaders that spread rapidly and can be found both inside and outside. They populate quickly by...


Cock roaches in Florida can become a problem if not treated. They generally seek water, food and shelter and are commonly found around...

Fleas & Ticks

For those of you with pets, these two can be a nightmare. They enter your home by hitching a ride on your pet and once in your home, they...


Scary looking critter isn’t he? Contrary to myth, they don’t crawl into your into your ears while you’re sleeping and lay eggs. Thank God, right...

Chinch Bugs

Chinch bugs are a big problem in St. Augustine variety grasses like Floratam and Seville. They are piercing and sucking insects which simply...


Grubs are basically the ugly phase of a masked chafer’s life, not that masked chafers are particularly attractive, but compared to...

Brown Patch Disease

The name’s pretty self explanitory, your nice green lawn now has big, brown, circlular patches. Control. This disease is more...

Ficus Whitefly

Unless youre new to the area or live a very sheltered life, you’ve heard about ficus whitefly. This little pest has become quite a nuisance...

Chewing Insects

There are several examples of chewing insects, the picture above shows cute little caterpillars having their way with that poor little leaf...

Ficus Whitefly Damage

They only way to truly prevent whitfly damage is to make quarterly applications of both contact and systemic insecticides that remain...

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